Nutrimill in Hospital

Alas, I did my Nutrimill in last week.  Temporarily, I hope.  And not too expensively, I hope.

I had just finished milling a pound of hard wheat.  I emptied the bin and put in a pound of soft wheat, which was apparently not entirely clean.  I walked away and came back a couple of times and noticed that it did not seem to be progressing.  Eventually I noticed some little black bits around the base.  The machine was running but not milling.  I dumped out the grains and found a couple of small black balls, BB size, not particularly hard (it seemed to me), but like something that was burnt.  That must have been the problem, but I don't know why.  (I do know that I will be more vigilant in the future.)

Word came today from Kitchen Resource that they had received my module and hope to return it in a few days.  I miss it already.  The soft wheat can be milled in my Back to Basics hand-crank mill, but the hard wheat is too hard.


I was very grateful to see all of the concern about my plight.  Well, the Nutrimill came home today.  And I was not charged.  The warranty was vague and I wasn't sure what constituted abuse, but there was no charge to me, other than the $26 it cost me to ship it out.


That is great that you got your Nutrimill home and the warranty covered what ever was wrong with it.  Not too long ago I had a concern regarding my nutrimill so I contacted the manufacture and the fella there told me that there is a life time warranty on the mill.  I didn't know that so I was pleasantly surprised by that information.