..then click on 'upload' and 'browse', which allows to you select a picture from your hard drive
..then add a title and click 'preview', then 'submit', which stores the photo on Fresh Loaf's server(s)
..this gives you yet another box, in which you may want to change the photo's alignment, then click 'insert', at which point your photo will finally be included in your message body. This is the place at which the system tells you that the photo size may be 640 by 640 at most.
This is just a test, as I've also had difficulty uploading from XP.
When I hit the Camera Icon, I get an MSN Explorer box, but no 'upload'. However, there is a place to put an Image URL. Immediately to the right, is a non-descript icon which I hit. This gives me still another MSN box. At the top is a Menu. The first option in the Menu is 'UPLOAD'. From here, I browsed to my Desktop, where my picture was stored. As I have a lot of icons on my Desktop, I entered *.jpg, then hit OPEN. This limited my selection to only my JPG files, which I did.
However, when I went through the UPLOAD process, it didn't work. So I repeated the 'above' steps, but this time when the URL (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Best So Far.jpg) was entered, I copied it with a Cntl C and hit UPLOAD' Since this had failed, I then retreated to the original MSN Explorer box and copied the lengthy URL from my CLIPBOARD. Here, I entered 640 and 640 as IMAGE DIMENSIONS. Then I hit the INSERT at the bottom-left.
With a little luck, my JPG file will appear.
There is probably a much less exhausting way to accomplish this, but like the many posts on this subject, if it works, it's worth the effort.
Thanks those select few with great stamina for bearing with me on this post.
Many people have no difficulty uploading pictures. Yet, many experienced users have difficulty on only one site: TFL. Hopefully, with a little luck, someone will help us all out.
Many sites have easier file uploading, but many sites have massive server farms, IT infrastructure, and employees to support the hosting of those files. I don't. It is preferable for you to host them elsewhere (Flickr, PhotoBucket, Facebook) and then just paste in the URL to the image that resides there.
PhotoBucket is a great way to go. It is free, they provide much nicer tools than I possibly can, and if the hard drive on my little server dies you don't lose any of your files. And you retain control over your images, which is the way it should be.
I'd suggest uploading them to Photobucket, then pasting in just the URL here.
There finally is a posting photos FAQ here. If you find a tip or trick that I missed, let me know and I'll modify the FAQ.
I couldn't get photos to work for me until Susan suggested that I change my server from Safari to Firefox. I have a Mac. I did and it worked fine. She also suggested to someone to be sure the photos are no more than 640 x 480 pixels. I still can't figure out how to have more than one picture in a post. I'm going to check out Floyds new FAQ later. Good luck. weavershouse
I just discovered that if you size the picture so that it does not exceed the 640 X 480 size it works!! I will try to attach a picture of sourdough boules that I made some time ago here!!
Sourdough Boules: This is a sample bread picture that I made some time ago.
I did upload quite a few pictures in my blog entries. I'm sure it may be true in other browsers that you have to resize it downward before the upload. However, I wanted to save people time if they happen to be working with a recent version of Internet Explorer (at least this works on Windows XP) because I found I do not have to resize. In the process of uploading it does warn me that the photos will be resized to 640x480, but somehow the server does that for me. I submit a 1024x768 photo for upload, and the server automatically takes it and resizes it to 640x480 without me doing anything but pressing submit.
The uploading behavior may work better in one browser than another, so I'm only talking about IE and WinXP. However, it does work fine there, regardless of what size photo I'm starting with.
The server can do some image manipulation, but I'd definitely recommend scaling images down before uploading them if you can.
Smaller files will transfer more quickly, and for my server to not have to resize the images will save disk space, cpu, and memory. As this week's performance problems have shown, there are limits to what my little server can handle. The extra RAM that is getting installed tonight should help, but there are still limits on what this box can do.
Before uploading photos, I run a Photoshop action that does color correction and then scales images down to 600 x 400.
I wondered if there was a significant load put on by the photo uploads. I found it incredibly convenient, but I'll move toward doing all the photos off the site. The thing that was nice about it was that I could browse the photos on my disk, and your system was formatting them nicely for the site without any further effort. However, I've now figured out how to link in my own 640x480 photos and thumbnails from where I normally post them on my photo web site. Sorry if the resource usage from uploading them turns out to have been a problem.
If you store pictures on your hardrive your can use PicSizer to resize your pictures for uploading.We use PicSizer which is free software from AxiomX.com. No spy or adware and works like a champ, quote unquote form my wonderful geeky husband : )
and that was easier than pulling teeth ( I should know had one pulled today and I'm on pain killers, what better time to figure out how to post a picture.) Well I still can't post. I clicked the little camera thingy and clicked upload image and this time my jpg file entered the box. I went about typing a title and a discription and moved down to the bottom and clicked preview. The next time, submit. When that failed, I tried dragging and poking and more pain killer. What am I not doing right? After the submit button there is a "done" at the bottom but everything is just blank. I don't see (yet) any other buttons or directions or do I have to page down??? Mini Oven
Are your photos the right size? That made the difference for me. Change them to 640x480 pixels before you start the upload process. Sorry about the pain!
Well I've tried to page down, doesn't work so how do I figure out the size? I ev. found where the info was printed and the size is way too big. Now how would I change that? Send me off in the right direction please. The pain isn't too bad as long as I have a major distraction. The pills are working too. Cracked the tooth under a crown about a year ago and it just wouldn't heal itself. No other solution but to pull it, real funny feeling when he put a plyers on my crown and swayed back and forth. I wish I could have watched but he didn't wear glasses (reflection) and mine were on the side table. Put in a few stiches too but unfortunately not the current spring color. I asked him if I had to come back to have them removed or if I could do it myself. No fun, they dissolve by themselves. Mini Oven
Mini, In iPhoto (which I assume you are using), highlight the photo you want to use, then under File on the toolbar, click on Export. This window will appear. Set your window up like this:
Export Photos Window
Click on export when you are finished, then save it to the Desktop. The image on your desktop will be the right size to upload to The Fresh Loaf. I hope this makes sense to you.
The submit button just uploads the photo. After that, there is still a step to "insert" the photo. Yes, I think you have to page down on the window after the submit has been accomplished. You should find an "insert" button to take you the rest of the way. If the "submit" worked, and you successfully uploaded the photo, you should also be able to press the camera icon at a later time and see your uploaded photos. If you click on one of the uploaded photos, you get a window where you can "insert" without uploading it, since the picture is already uploaded and there.
..then click on 'upload' and 'browse', which allows to you select a picture from your hard drive
..then add a title and click 'preview', then 'submit', which stores the photo on Fresh Loaf's server(s)
..this gives you yet another box, in which you may want to change the photo's alignment, then click 'insert', at which point your photo will finally be included in your message body. This is the place at which the system tells you that the photo size may be 640 by 640 at most.
This is just a test, as I've also had difficulty uploading from XP.
When I hit the Camera Icon, I get an MSN Explorer box, but no 'upload'. However, there is a place to put an Image URL. Immediately to the right, is a non-descript icon which I hit. This gives me still another MSN box. At the top is a Menu. The first option in the Menu is 'UPLOAD'. From here, I browsed to my Desktop, where my picture was stored. As I have a lot of icons on my Desktop, I entered *.jpg, then hit OPEN. This limited my selection to only my JPG files, which I did.
However, when I went through the UPLOAD process, it didn't work. So I repeated the 'above' steps, but this time when the URL (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Best So Far.jpg) was entered, I copied it with a Cntl C and hit UPLOAD' Since this had failed, I then retreated to the original MSN Explorer box and copied the lengthy URL from my CLIPBOARD. Here, I entered 640 and 640 as IMAGE DIMENSIONS. Then I hit the INSERT at the bottom-left.
With a little luck, my JPG file will appear.
There is probably a much less exhausting way to accomplish this, but like the many posts on this subject, if it works, it's worth the effort.
Thanks those select few with great stamina for bearing with me on this post.
This is a real conumdrum.
Many people have no difficulty uploading pictures. Yet, many experienced users have difficulty on only one site: TFL. Hopefully, with a little luck, someone will help us all out.
Please check the Photo FAQ: http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/2960/posting-photos-faq
Many sites have easier file uploading, but many sites have massive server farms, IT infrastructure, and employees to support the hosting of those files. I don't. It is preferable for you to host them elsewhere (Flickr, PhotoBucket, Facebook) and then just paste in the URL to the image that resides there.
This time I've followed Floyd's advice and established a PhotoBucket (FREE) account, then uploaded my JPG and resized it.
Here goes!
HOLY COW. It worked!!!
Nice looking crumb, Neil!
PhotoBucket is a great way to go. It is free, they provide much nicer tools than I possibly can, and if the hard drive on my little server dies you don't lose any of your files. And you retain control over your images, which is the way it should be.
I don't get it. Uploading photos should be easy and it doesn't work for me either. Is there a problem here?
Paul Kobulnicky
Baking in Ohio
I just discovered that if you size the picture so that it does not exceed the 640 X 480 size it works!! I will try to attach a picture of sourdough boules that I made some time ago here!!
I did upload quite a few pictures in my blog entries. I'm sure it may be true in other browsers that you have to resize it downward before the upload. However, I wanted to save people time if they happen to be working with a recent version of Internet Explorer (at least this works on Windows XP) because I found I do not have to resize. In the process of uploading it does warn me that the photos will be resized to 640x480, but somehow the server does that for me. I submit a 1024x768 photo for upload, and the server automatically takes it and resizes it to 640x480 without me doing anything but pressing submit.
The uploading behavior may work better in one browser than another, so I'm only talking about IE and WinXP. However, it does work fine there, regardless of what size photo I'm starting with.
I wondered if there was a significant load put on by the photo uploads. I found it incredibly convenient, but I'll move toward doing all the photos off the site. The thing that was nice about it was that I could browse the photos on my disk, and your system was formatting them nicely for the site without any further effort. However, I've now figured out how to link in my own 640x480 photos and thumbnails from where I normally post them on my photo web site. Sorry if the resource usage from uploading them turns out to have been a problem.
Perhaps this might help someone, works for me
Submitted by Paddyscake on May 8, 2007 - 5:44pm.If you store pictures on your hardrive your can use PicSizer to resize your pictures for uploading.We use PicSizer which is free software from AxiomX.com. No spy or adware and works like a champ, quote unquote form my wonderful geeky husband : )
Are your photos the right size? That made the difference for me. Change them to 640x480 pixels before you start the upload process. Sorry about the pain!
Mini, In iPhoto (which I assume you are using), highlight the photo you want to use, then under File on the toolbar, click on Export. This window will appear. Set your window up like this:
Send me an email at gizmeaux at pacbell.net and we'll see if we can't work out your problem offline.
The submit button just uploads the photo. After that, there is still a step to "insert" the photo. Yes, I think you have to page down on the window after the submit has been accomplished. You should find an "insert" button to take you the rest of the way. If the "submit" worked, and you successfully uploaded the photo, you should also be able to press the camera icon at a later time and see your uploaded photos. If you click on one of the uploaded photos, you get a window where you can "insert" without uploading it, since the picture is already uploaded and there.