Hi fellow Bakers,
I am new to TFL and very ecited to be a part of the bread baking family here on TFL. For starters, I would like to know if anyone has had experience baking Artisan breads in a Commercial gas concvection oven? If so, what may be the advantages and disadvantages if doing so? You feedback would be greatly appreciated. Joe
Hi Joe the baker,
The main difficulty with baking artisan breads in a gas convection oven, is having them dry out before their ovenspring is complete. Since gas ovens tend to vent quite a bit, steam dissipates quickly making it hard to get a nice ear and color with the loaves/baguettes.
Some people shut the fan or oven off for a few minutes when the bread is loaded, others cover the bread with a pan (aka 'Susan's Magic Bowl' method), others like myself experiment with misting before loading and steaming when loading. It takes a lot of experimenting, but it's definitely possible.
Thanks Mark. You confirmed what I suspected. My next try will be to bypass the convection fan and use the oven as gas conventional. I have two shelves lined with soapstone. Great for hearth baking. I will post photos once I get it right. Thanks again. JOE