Hi all, I've just mixed up the starters/ poolish for both breads. The first from the bread bible and the second, the Italian bread from this site ( Floyd's blog). It's my first time making these so was wondering if you could share any advice knowledge regarding these.
Thanks heaps :)
I ended up making the italian, was really happy with it, eventhough, I'd had a bit of a disaster. will try to post some pics.
the pugliese, starter got a bit old as I realised I hadn't read thru recipe properly and didn't have the durum flour, does anyone know what else i could use?
yay, it worked, here's a pic of the crumb of one of the loaves which i quickly took, before taking out to the table.
sorry just tried uploading the rest of the pics, but its saying they're too large. is there another way around this? please excuse ignorance, still very new at this :)