Two for two at the local fair

Profile picture for user Franko

The week before last my wife asked me if I was planning to enter any breads in our local summer fair which is like a 4H type of event. We've missed the last two years due to vacations or scheduling conflicts but decided to submit some items this year and see what we could do. I had a look at the yeast bread category and decided on  multi-grain bread and white buns as my entries. The multi-grain recipe I used was one I put together a few weeks ago and posted here ,  thinking this would be a good opportunity to improve upon it . The taste and texture of the last one was quite good I thought but I wasn't satisfied with the look of it primarily because of slashing it too deeply. For the white buns I used Hamelman’s Baquette with poolish formula for the first time. I really like this dough! I scaled the buns at 70 grams per and put a slash down the middle before baking them off. They weren't anything fancy , just a typical dinner roll, but full of that great flavor you get from using a preferment. Rather than putting a hard bake on them I went for a bit softer crust thinking that might have a broader appeal amongst the judges. Apparently something about them appealed to the judges as they awarded a first place to them. But what I'm even more pleased with is the first place given to the multi-grain loaf made from my own recipe, even though it was slightly underbaked. I was surprised when my wife brought the entries back home to learn that I was two for two, as there’s some pretty stiff competition at these events and the judging is fairly ruthless in my experience . In years previous the fair used to award a ribbon to anyone placing in the top 3 but now you get a little sticker instead. A sign of the economic times I suppose but nice to receive anyway. Note: the pics of the buns were taken 3 days after baking so not really at their best.


Well done Franko,

I'm sure your breads deserved the first prize accolades awarded.

I'm having real problems with TFL pages opening at the moment.   Sometimes they don't open at all, other times they eventually open.   On this occasion they opened, but with only part of your clearly wonderful photos.

I'll have to have another try later.

First flickr playing awkward, now this.   Shouldn't detract: well done Champion Baker!


Thanks Andy!

It's always fun to enter these things regardless of placing or not.

Re: pages loading- you might just be getting some momentary heavy bandwidth usage through your server.

Profile picture for user ananda

Hi Franko,

You're probably right about heavy traffic.   It took ages to finish off my new blog entry, adding in all the photos.   Still, it's done now.

Best wishes


 I've finally decided that it's time to take a couple loaves to our fair later this month.  It's especially encouraging to see that a hearty loaf can be appreciated.  Thanks for the inspiration! 
