Small bakeries in Savanna Ga

Profile picture for user CJtheDeuce

I visited 2 small shops while I was in Savanna in July. Harris Bakery on Drayton st  near the Hilton hotel, owned by Sam Harris. Very passionate about his bread & a good host. He took time out of his busy day &  gave me a tour of the bakery. 3 deck ovens, a big double door cooler & a kick ass mixer that rotates the bowl while the kneading screw rotates on a seperate axis. He said it cost about 30 grand if you bought one new. They base most of thier bread on pre ferments, no sourdoughs. Excelant flavors & good people. We had coffee & sweets there the next morning, a very nice place.

Back in the Day bakery on Bull street almost to rt80/Victory rd that takes you to Tybe island. A husband & wife team, she being popular for her cupcakes & her husband whom I met bakes mostly bread, sourdoughs & ciabatta in a single deck oven. He was a little reluctant to show me around at 1st but warmed up & described his work day. A very humble guy about his limited equipment & small size of the shop. I had a good time & tasted his ciabatta [very good] that is thier primary bread for thier lunch crowd.

Both made me feel welcome & wishing times were ripe for me to have a place of my own.


Nice report thanks for sharing, most bakers are usually very obliging i find, even when you are in a foreign country. 

I had a great chat with the guy baking lebanese flat bread at the local (aus)kebab shop, and he was only to pleased to show me what he was doing, i had bought the flat bread there in the past and it was very good this time while my lunch doner kebab was being assembled  i got to see the bread being readied for the oven, and will have to have a go at that style at home soon.

regards Yozza