Sorry for posting this, and my arms are up and about my head for the expected, and perhaps deserved, reaction. I believe the little things are important. Appearance is important. The right words are important.
Okay, here goes... When we refer to the person, we say artisan, which Webster defines as, "one that produces something (as cheese or wine) in limited quantities often using traditional methods". Therefore, when we refer to the bread we make, we say artisanal, meaning made by, not from artisans...
Sorry. Go ahead and let me have it. I have ducked and covered.
And while I am at it, why do we, at least we Americans, say 'go ahead' and do something, instead of just doing it without going ahead first?
Okay, I can hear the crickets against the still background of dead silence...
In any case, Artisan Bread is not incorrect, I believe, even if one wants to be a grammar pedant. Using a noun as an adjective to describe another noun is very common, as in: fire truck, bath water or police station. "Artisanal" may be the right adjective, but it appears our ears prefer to use "artisan" instead.
And, with that rant off my chest, I hereby sumberge back into topicality ....
go ahead, as in, 'go ahead [of me] and do it.'
that's what comes to mind first....
My friend teaches English for Berlitz and says that she can't begin to explain some of our usages. She cites the word "get". She has not found a translation for a word that we don't even think about but insert all the time to mean very different things.
I think the distinction about the proper wording is artis-anal .
A few of the idiosyncracies of our Mother tongue:
You have 1 house, and 1 mouse...but you have 2 houses and 2 MICE....why don't we have 2 mouses or 2 hice?
The same is true for goose and moose....goose/geese; moose/meese?
We park on driveways and drive on parkways. Alarm clocks go off by turning on.
Phonetically, you can spell the word 'fish' sounds like 'f' as in 'enough' the 'o' in the word 'women' sounds like a short I, and 'tion' sounds like 'shun' so the 'ti' makes the 'sh' sound!
Try teaching language arts to elementary schoolers!!!!
Alright, I'll bring my arms down since y'all are so nice. But the real purpose of a dictionary and grammarians is to keep us able to understand one another. As languages mixed into American English (oxymoron) and we were headed to where we are now, someone had to keep us from descending into geographically based dialects (which is usually why there are dialects) that would have made less sense than our language does now. The success of this is demonstrated in our ability to understand and be understood by other "English" speaking people around the world. Unfortunately, as we have failed to properly teach our children our language (My Fair Lady), our sloppy-tongued children (and ourselves, but better to blame it on them) polute the (lol) purity of it.
Next point: proper grammer DOES impress all of us, whether we admit it, and whether we require ourselves to use it. Case in point, would you hire a lawyer to keep you out of jail who spoke 'sloppy-tongued' or one with accurate grammer? Some of you will go either way here, but if you haven't ever sat on a jury you don't realize that many cases are at least influenced if not decided outright by the properness of the attorneys. Hence my point that we should represent ourselves as best we can, rising ourselves (fermenting?) above the commoner folk.
Sorry about my typing. The spelling errors were unintentional and I was under the gun. Apologies for failures is a good course, I believe. I think we would have forgiven Nixon had he asked to be.
So let me finally get serious, for this whole thing was in jest when it began. I too have used artisan incorrectly, and continue to do so in company where I know it will be understood when artisanal might not be. So I will not be one to actually cast the first stone. But to carry the logic of justification just a little further, not even to the logical end, if you justify your usage of the admittedly incorrect 'artisan' based on common usage and the acceptibility to an 'expert' on the subject of artisanal breads, not linguistics, why do you correct my spelling? Why don't we spell fish 'ghoti'? It is because no one would understand. I am one who believes truth is truth, and right is right. Black and white are only gray (grey for you Brits) when they move so fast we can't see them individually. I believe allowing ourselves the sloppiness of little things prepares us to accept much greater breakdown in societal structure. However, that gets dangerously close to polluting this site with a subject we bake bread in order to forget about...
My favorite response to this nonsense is artis-anal, because after all, we are all a bit anal about our bread. Who in the world other than people like us would care about solving the problems related to making 90% hydration WW bread? The heart behind this light-hearted posting was that we should also be anal about our excellence in all aspects of life. But hey, if I had said that, who would have cared? As it turned out, I have had a lot of fun bouncing off some really fun people. Whooda thunk?
Amen. There, I've said it again.
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.
That's my life and all that I've got.
Call me a liar, call me a writer,
Believe me or not...
yor geting off with a warning this time.
I found my rye flour in the cupboard and wanted to just roll in it, tossing it all over the place! I chose not to. I went instead to the bakery and bought a quarter loaf; that's 1/4 of a 4 kg round; and a bag of sesame seed kaiser rolls for breakfast. Yum Yum Jet lag is not so bad, I get up with the birdies and get to watch the sun rise at the bakery. They open 6 am here and I can even have coffee! Nothing like the smell of fresh baked bread!
The dog and cat food problem does not exist here, tighter controls. I've gotta run and put the bags of plastic recycle on the curb. Mini Oven
Shiver me timbers, and I thought that Artisanal was an analy retentive artist or something like that only to find an Artisanal cheese website also!! But I still prefer to eat an artisan bread rather then an artisanal one just this thought -
Artisanal breads. Are we practicing Artisanalismus? Mini Oven