This was my daughters first year entering stuff in the county fair as a 4H member, and I decided to enter some baked stuff in the open class competition. My rye/wheat loaf got a red ribbon, my white loaf got a blue ribbon, and my rosemary onion bagels got a blue ribbon and were reserve grand champion. This is so cool, I'm geeking. I haven't been this giddy since I got the Berkel bread slicer last week.
My daughter also got a blue ribbon for her challah loaf.

to you and your daughter..what a thrill it must be for you both and encouragement to keep up the good baking.
Where are the pics of her Challah?
I love to see kids cooking, One the things that drive my passion for cooking is the lack of it by the rest of the world. It seems crazy, but if I want hamburger helper, I make egg noodles from scratch. I sometimes wonder what people will do if they cant pop into the supermarket and get some ready made crap.
Tell her I said Good Job!
This is my daughter's award winning challah.
I want a Berkel bread slicer. Those things cost a fortune!
Stalk ebay and craiglist, I managed to get mine for $300 because it was an online auction at an auction house but pickup was about an hour away, so I didn't have to pay for shipping. It took me 3 years to find one within my price range.
Congratulations on your awards. I lost track of the dates for the Douglas County Fair to view the competition. I'll be entering the Leavenworth County Fair in Tonganoxie next week with a sourdough and a farmhouse loaf. My wife is cutting me a lot of slack this week as I get ready for my first competition.
Congratulations, Verminius Rex! And congratulations to your daughter, as well.
Good luck to you, too, Postal Grunt.
Kinda scary to think that it is Fair time already. We're just about to emerge from Winter (which reminds me a lot of the South Texas version) here in South Africa.
Miss your posts. Any new baking adventures/new breads to share from South Africa? Hello to your wife too!
I'm a bit reluctant to ask, but what does your page name, verminiusrex translate to? King Rat? King Cockroach?
David G
Long ago I had pet rats, and my online monikers were things like "ratman", but that wasn't uncommon so I made up a bastardized latin username, verminiusrex, which would loosely be "Rat King". I haven't had pet rats in over 15 years, but it's one username that other people are unlikely to have taken so I stick with it.
My daughter had a couple of rats for a while, What amazing, misunderstood creatures.
They had great personalities and were extremely intelligent. She had one that would ride in her shirt pocked. I would love to get some for myself but my DW has forbidden it. (now, before you go making jokes, we have been married for 25 years, dated for 2 years prior to that, and rats and snakes are the only things she gets huffy about. She lets me buy guns, and tech junk, and anything for the kitchen...)
awards are always exciting & your dtr's challah & your bagels clearly were winners
That is so wonderful! Congratulations and keep winning those metals.
How wonderful for you both! It a great blessing to share the joy, skill and technique, not to mention success, between mother and daughter.
It's nice you can share the love of baking with your daughter.. obviously you have passed along your talent to her! What a fun moment for both of you. I'm entering the KAF and Gold Medal baking contests this year at our State Fair. Still not sure what I'm going to do for it.
Oh and best part of winning ribbons at the fair are county bragging rights! I entered a pie in the fair a few years back, it took the blue ribbon but best of all, I knocked out Old Lady Lester who had won it for 6 years in a row. Mwahahaha!!! She was really cocky about it too. Tee hee... I'm teasing, I only fist pumped in private. She was a gracious loser.