Sam Fromartz in the Washington Post

Some of you may have missed the article in Tuesday's Washington Post by our own Sam Fromartz, "Wood Fired Baking with a Master in Vermont."  Sam describes making pizza in a wood fired brick oven under the guidance of Jeffrey Hamelman at a King Arthur Master Class in Norwich, Vermont.  Sign me up!  The article includes a recipe for a skillet-baked yeast-free flatbread that has moved to the front of my list of things to try.



Thanks for the link Rodger.  A most entertaining read.

Hope Sam's zoning laws allow him to build that [s]oven[/s] fancy brick BBQ grill.  ;-)

I wanted to post the recipe in the fresh loaf too but keep getting rejected as SPAM. will try again - Sam


OK, I successfully posted on my blog here. With additional pictures not in the WaPo piece.