Fake Artisan Bread In Five Minutes A Day?


I just purchased the book at a national book store for $27.99 and it says 1st. ed. My understanding is that this book sold out by Christmas in 07. Also, the "color insert/photographs" referred to in the book are in black and white. Also, the paper is non glossy. Did I get ripped off?

I can buy a new copy from Amazon right now for about $16 (discounted from $27.99), so it's not out of print.

Publishers have to guess the popularity of a book in order to decide how many to print.  But they have no qualms of ordering a 2nd, 3rd, or further printings as necessary.  If they ordered a small initial print run, its entirely possible that the first printing sold out between it's release on November 13th and Christmas, and a second printing wasn't available until later.

On the bottom of the copyright page there is usually an indication of what printing (and what year) your particular volume is.  The standard method is to have a row of numbers (like "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" or "1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2" with the lowest number in the row being the printing.  For each printing, they just need to delete one number from the set.  A similar set of 2-digit numbers is usually used to indicate the printing year.


Maybe they had to rush a second printing and couldn't wait for color printing? Yah, I think you got ripped off. But I don't believe anyway that a first edition of that title will ever compete with a Hemmingway.

You may have an uncorrected proof.  I have an uncorrected proof of WHOLE GRAINS FOR BUSY PEOPLE.  Lots of mistakes,  Pages don't match up in the index, black and white photos, recipes missing ingredients.  Proofs are usually given away so that these mistakes can ben corrected.  I did not know I was buying an uncorrecr proof, I didn't read the fine print when ordering it on the internet but I also did not pay much for it.

I don't care what printing it is, but $27.99 is first class money and if the color printing was skipped as a cost saving then back it goes. I can get a lot more book for that kind of money.

I purchased the Healthy Bread in Five (same authors) and got afirst printing...it had errors which they posted on their web site. www.breadinfive.com  (?) you may want to go and check and see what errors they posted and check your copy.  I had ordered a second copy (both from Amazon) for a friend and got the corrected reprint so maybe that is why yours is less expensive...?