This may not be the right venue for this; if so, I apologize and hope somebody has any recommendations for where to post this? Anyway, my husband recently accidentally ordered a (second) 1lb bag of diastatic malt powder after I had already ordered one. Is there anybody who'd be interested in buying it? I don't want to throw it out and it's such a little sought product that posting it on Craigslist probably wouldn't stir any interest. It was $2.09 for the powder plus $9 (absurd) for shipping, but I'd be happy to sell it for $6, via Paypal.
your post is absurd. This forum is not (yet) a garage sale. Are you really serious or is this a joke?
I cannot see the harm in using this forum to exchange specialty baking products when we occasionally buy the wrong thing, too much, etc. In fact, I think it helps to create a sense of community.
Christine: sent me a personal message with your paypal details and I'll take the malt powder off your hands if nobody else has already.
Mmmm. Bagels.
...beat me to it. I agree with this being okay. A number of the forums I frequent have separate forums for selling items or buying items. It's a good thing.
Perhaps FloydM will consider adding this.
It doesn't get a lot of posts, but it is there.
If you'll go to the forum section, cooking202, you'll see the "for sale" section. I believe it's been there since day one.
If people would do a bit of exploring past the front page, they'd find lots of great stuff here.
Also, the original poster said "This may not be the right venue for this; if so, I apologize and hope somebody has any recommendations for where to post this?"
I was simply commenting on Frequent Flyer's post. Won't dignify the rest of your post.
put it in your freezer. i've kept mine for over a year in my freezer & it's still good.
you could also sell it to a neighbor who bakes bread.
I think absurd is a bit harsh....if anything, that comment was absurd.
Microwavable cheese quesadillas in the frozen food section, now that's absurd!