Greetings everyone, and thanks for the ideas on improving my pain au levain and pate fermente crusts. The interim answer seems to be summed up in one word.."MORE."
More heat. Notwithstanding the global warming debate which ignited in my last post, getting my oven hotter - sooner appeared to help, and improved oven spring.
More heat, longer. I now do not immediately turn down the temp from 500 to 450 after initial entry.
More steam. I toss a 3/4 Cup of water on the sides/bottom of the gas oven several times throughout the baking - being mindful of the glass. Have not yet been very successful with BBAs water bottle concept.
More time: Just leaving it in longer. Internal temps stay around 213
So there's a snap shot of where I am at. Now if I could only get my boule [post-brotform] to retain it's shape better after turning it out and slashing. Ideas?
I didn't catch what type of oven you use, but if it's electric, be careful not to splash the elements, too.
Thanks Bill, it's Gas. Some water does drip down inside, but not too much.