Ohio WFO project

Profile picture for user CJtheDeuce

This is My oven as of July 2nd. I have a number of pictures of the project leading up to this but they are on a couple of diposible cameras wiating to be put on a CD. I'll post them soon.




The oven will be well insulated & housed in a metal enclosure narrower than the space between the windows when its done so I'm confindent that there won't be any heat transfer issue. The room behind the foundation is a concrete block wall 3 season room. the widow on the right stays and looks west to a fairly unabstructed view. We used the charcoal BBQ on the left side for the 1st time last friday with no ill effect on the window but I think I'm going to make a removeable window plug out of cement board to put in while we are cooking just to be extra safe. So far for the 1st time laying block & brick it looks ok & I'm very antiouse to start the oven itself.

Profile picture for user ClimbHi


Recognize that for proper draw and safety, and code, the flue on your oven must be at least 2 feet above any portion of any structure within 10 feet of the flue. So you're gonna get that flue up above the house and, possibly, the roof. (Can't see enough to be sure how the roof impacts the oven.)

I'd be surprised if you local building inspector wouldn't make you tear that grill out as being too close to the structure. Even if heat isn't an issue, smoke will be. When building the oven, make sure to allow clearances per code, and insulate, insulate, insulate. You may wanna double-check the local building codes -- you may end up tearing that oven out if you don't carefully comply with all code requirements since it's so close to the house.

Pittsburgh, PA

Profile picture for user CJtheDeuce


The wall I'm butted into is a former foundry for melting metals for a metal working class. This is not a home just a cinder block out building. I have scrounged 20 feet of free double walled 10" comercial pipe & have the bracing from a previous antenna tower that was at the site. This is my pratice project for the allen scott oven I plan on building at home.
