Good bread in Washington DC???

I am in desperate need of some good bakeries in DC.  I have been to breadline which is Mark Furstenberg's place, but was dissapointed.  Any spots please let me know.
thanks clover.  I love making bread but am usually short on time and when I am home, the oven I have in my apt. is crap so I like knowing I can just go somewhere and pick up a loaf.

Spring Mill is pretty good for breads. Some of my favorites are the whole wheat loaf and the pesto (white flour) loaf. FYI: They sell their bread at My Organic Market (in Rockville, MD...though maybe at other MOM locations as well).

If you're looking for sweets, you might wanna try Cake Love: 

Anything new to say about the DC area? There is a pretty good bakery that frequents the farmer's markets in Northern Virginia, but they are WAY pricey ($8 for a 1 lb loaf).


We just moved to Columbia, MD from NOVA and would love to have some yummy bread to sample and then perhaps copy or at least get ideas!

I've been making different versions of no-knead bread every few days because of the dearth of good bread in NOVA.  I've heard that Rick's Wine & Gourmet (3117 Duke St, Alexandria) sells incredible bread from Panorama bakery but I haven't checked it out yet...let us know if you do.

I know this is not what you are asking for, but let me tell you anyway:  the bread they serve at Central (Michel Richard restaurant) is one of THE best I ever had, and having lived in France for a few years makes me quite opinionated about the subject...


You can see the guys making the bread through some glass windows - they keep bringing those rolls to the table, it is impossible to stop eating it.


I've always wondered what method do they use, which flour etc etc


If you have a chance to stop by, you will be in Bread Nirvana!

lol, I agree, the bread was amazing at Central...which prompted me to ask where they bake it a few months ago.  The server said Panorama Bakery in Alexandria, which unfortunately does not sell to the public...but, and I haven't been there myself, I've heard they sell it at Rick's Wine & Gourmet among other places...

Ha!  And naive-me thought that the guys working all covered in flour were making the bread!


oh, well - whoever it is, I would love to take a lesson from them, that bread made me howl to the moon first time I tried it, and.... the moon wasn't even full...