There are couple miches I have baked.
2.9Kg JT's 85x3 Miche.
One of the largest breads I have made. Pretty much the same as MC interpretation, only I didn't retard and hydration was lower, about 65%.
1.5Kg Gerard Rubaud Miche.
35% starter (55% hydration, GR flour mixture 70% T55, 18% sifted T150, 9% T80 spelt and 3% sifted T150 rye), overall hydration 65-68%. First fermentation 4 hours, proof about 2 hours.
2.2Kg T80 Miche.
T80 flour, 30% starter (~60% hydration), overall hydration 65%, first fermentation about 3 hours, proof 2 hours.
2.2Kg Poilane Miche.
70% T80, 30% T80 spelt, 35% starter (55% hydration), overall hydration 65%. First fermentation 3 hours, proof about 2 hours.
2.2Kg Organic WW and Spelt Miche.
70% very finely sifted Organic Stone Ground T150 flour and 30% Organic T80 spelt flour. 25% starter (55% hydration), overall hydration 65%. First fermentation 4.5 hours, proof 2 hours.
1.8Kg Pain a l'Ancienne.
50% T55 flour, 45% sifted T150 flour, 4.5% spelt, 0.5% malted barley flour, everything else as described by Shiao-Ping.
- Aivaras's Blog
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The quantity is impressive as well as the quality, I have to say.
They all look marvellous and I bet, they taste even better!
wow! that surely is impressive! Nice work!!
I cultured starter about 7 months ago from T55 wheat flour and kept it around 80-90% hydration. Then, five months ago i converted it to 65% hydration and started using GR flour mixture (usually 30% of total flour). So levain is always kept at room temerature and fed twice per day (50g levain, 65g water, 100g flour (1:1.3:2 ratio)). When preparing for bake I feed it as usually and take what usually goes to waste for another builds, depending on what I bake.