duaghters first zucchini bread

Profile picture for user rxcsyrus

so had alot of fresh zucchini from the garden and decided to make some zucchini bread got a recipe from here and let my daughter give it a whack still have more to make because i have at least enough for 6 more loaves if i cant find anything else to use hte zucchini in heres the results i only showed her briefly how to fold the dry in the batter and she measured everything else out by herself with only daddy telling her what to put in next she even copied the recipe and marked off as she went along its all pretty much gone one went to the grands and we have two slices left

anyone know how to resize pictures so i can post them on here? i will post pics when i can figure it out. 


can be frozen. Just grate it and weigh to size of a loaf and put in ziplock till the time you need it. I've kept ifor  6 months or more. Patrick from Modesto