Malted Tourte de Meule


Hello all, my name is Aivaras. Long story short, more than half year ago i decided to try baking bread, or at least something resembling bread, because I've never baked anything, and then i found TFL. I want to thank all members on TFL, because almost everything i learned i learned from here. I'm starting blog to post some of my older bakes and to try to post after i bake something.

This is Boule (baked on 5/02) i probably would not have baked, except that I made mistake when preparing starter for my weekly bake of Gerard Rubaud bâtards. I was preparing last build for starter and accidentally ended with 100% hydration starter which i decided to refrigerate shortly after mixing. While it was staying in refrigerator, I saw breadbakingbass post and since I had Malted Barley flour which i never tried to use, i thought to give it a try.


200g T150 Organic stone ground flour

400g T80 flour

260g T55 flour

100g Organic Malted Barley flour

240g Liquid Levain

24g Salt

580g Warm Water

Total - 1.8Kg; Hydration - 65%


Mix starter 1:2:2 ratio (GR flour mix: 70% T55, 18% T150, 9% T80 spelt, 3% T160 rye) leave 20 minutes and then refrigerate for 48 hours.

After 48 hours dissolve starter in water, mix only with T150 and Malted Barley flour, cover tightly and leave at 25C for 45 minutes.

After 45 minutes mix half of left flour and leave for 20 minutes, then mix rest flour and leave for another 20 minutes.

Add salt and mix for few minutes.

Ferment at 25C for 2 hours.

Lightly shape into boule, place in lined basket and proof for 2 hours.

Preheat oven at 250C, Bake for 50 min at 230C with steam for 15 min.

You sure you're not baiting us?  ;  )

Beautiful're a much better bread baker than I !!!



Sorry for not answering. Taste was very balanced, slightly sour with nice sweetness to it.