dough unrisen


Created a pate fermente for use in PRs Vienna Bread recipe. The fermente had been developed over several days with

 a high sour taste but not what I would describe as a starter. I mixed a tsp. of dry yeast into the flour

combo and kneaded for rising. Result:  no rise and a dense yukhee bread. What went wrong? Please



I would need details of the feeding regime to create your "starter" [pate fermentee is old dough, and should not be more than 24 hours old, preferably held in the chiller meantime]

I think your pre-ferment is too acidic for any yeasts to thrive, from your description above.

Best wishes


I think you've got it. The high acid content of the pre-ferment attacked and won over the little yeasties. Will go for it once more and thanks for your interest Andy.