Reinhart's Whole wheat sadnwich bread

Profile picture for user Joe Fisher

Hi everyone, long time no see!  I haven't been baking in a long time and posting in even longer.  Starting to get back into the swing with 100% whole wheat bread from Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads.


It's delicious and surprisingly light.  It's no Wonder Bread, but it's light years from my previous heavy, dense attempts at whole wheat.  I used locally farmed sheep's milk buttermilk which gives it a nice tang.






I just finished reading the first few chapters of his "Whole Grain-New Techniques-Extraordinary Flavor" and have a dough rising right now using my recipe but his technique.

Did you use his starter or biga/soaker/final dough technique for this beautiful loaf?And how was the flavor?

I'm eager for comments on this technique.