Cinnamon Bun Croissants


Definitely the best but most rich cinnamon buns I have ever had. Used Suas' croissant formula, then I threw together some cinnamon sugar and cinnamon icing.


Profile picture for user pmccool

Buttery, flakey, cinnamon-y goodness!  Yum!


I hope Floyd puts a pic of those on the front...they are really lovely. Can you give a few more details as to how you altered the formula, temp for baking etc ? 

looking and yummy cinnamon bun croissants!


Those look divine, Jombay, but terribly sinful, I'll bet.  Can you post an url to the recipe's web page.  After looking at these, I almost think I should change my user name to "slurpnburp". 

Bernie Piel