soft oatmeal bread


Has anyone tried the recipe at

I'm just branching out from my no-knead beginnings and am looking for whole grain recipes in particular.


But it also has a good amount of salt too to slow down the ferment.   The pale color of the loaf bothers me.  I would speed up the pre-ferment and slow down the final rise but that is just me. 

I would use less, maybe 1/4 a teaspoon yeast and no salt.  After 8-12 hours then add 1 teaspoon yeast and the salt when mixing up the loaf.  That amount of maple syrup scares me (maple extract?  But if I use it all I wonder if there is enough yeast in the dough.)  That is what I would change before baking.  The cooked cereal delivers the soft crumb no matter what is done with the dough.  I like more wet time on the bulk of my flour.  I can imagine throwing in a diced or shredded apple too.  Maybe an Arkansas Black with peal.

Oh, and no, I haven't tried it.  ...yet


Bob's Red Mill site, it calls for molasses but this past weekend I got rather brave and decided to substitute Lyle's Golden Syrup (purchased at a local British specialty shop) instead of the molasses because I though the molasses taste was way too strong.  This turned out very well, lighter in color, a tad sweeter and it has a very tender crumb.  It is going to make a great sandwich bread.  The rising times were much longer than the recipe stated, but I've learned to be patient and wait and let the yeast work at it's own pace (with a little help from the bread proofing setting of my oven).