Numerous Corrections to Hamelman's BREAD

Profile picture for user Yumarama

As some of you may know, the group bake is working through the entire Hamelman book "Bread: A baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes". So far we've got through seven of the 85 or so recipes listed and have uncovered a few issues with the recipes as printed in a few different printingss (they're not all the same), including simple conversion errors like 8 oz of cornmeal being noted as 1/4 cup (it's actually 1.5 cups) as well as revisions to the formulas such as a complete change in the paste recipe for Hot Cross Buns. 

Since we're moving onward and I wanted to find the most thorough source of corrections so we wouldn't be constantly surprised by these blips, I tried looking up Wiley's Errata sheet for the book but, as someone here already noted, this is futile. Wiley isn't publishing any changes or correction on their site, at least not for this book. 

So since the publisher was not a good source of info, I went to the next best source: Jeffrey Hamelman himself. 

He was kind enough to send me his latest updated list of corrections along with a note to please share it with everyone so I'd like to do just that.

Because we can't upload this type of file here, I've got the document (it's in Word .doc format) on our site and everyone is welcome to nab themselves a copy.

Have your pencil ready and sharpened, there's six pages of updates and corrections to jot into your books! (And before people grumble at Jeff for the errors, keep in mind that his own formulas are in the Metric column and sized for his bakery production; the publishers at Wiley did the conversions and the Home column is where the vast bulk of errors came in.)

Hop over to at this page: 

ERRATA SHEET for "Bread" by Jeffrey Hamelman (updated link)

The corrections also cover some of the tutorial material at the front of the book (pre page 90).

I hope everyone finds this helpful. 

And maybe some will even join in the fun and bake through the book with us!


A Hamelman BREAD baking group



Profile picture for user wally

Paul - Thanks for your efforts!  However, I've gone to your site, and I cannot find a word doc to download.  At the risk of seeming simple-minded, where on the page linked to the url you've listed above is the downloadable word document.


Ooops... I guess the forum software doesn't show attachments unless you're logged in. So I've added a link right in the text now.

Let me know if there are any other blips.

For  making this available and known to me.  I did not know that it existed, I've printed it out, 6 pages and into the front of the book it goes!

The added link is just the ticket.  Thanks for all your - and your team's - efforts.  I'm sure Jeffrey appreciates the fine tooth combing as well.


Give me a few minutes, I'll see what I can whip up...

....  tra la la ... 

OK, a (slightly larger) PDF version is now available as well.

plevee, you can open 99% of .doc files with the Text Edit program that comes with MAC OS.  I tried it with this file and it worked perfectly.

I appreciate your going to the trouble to get this valuable information. Please convey our thanks to Jeff Hamelman, too.


I'll collect any new ones we run across as we're baking and pass them on to Mr Hamelman as well as update the list myself. 

It's a bit awkward making sure we get everything because not all printings are the same. My copy (5th printing) has this error corrected but someone with an earlier printing will still have the error. You must have an early printing.

If anyone here runs into new undiscovered ones, please do add them to this thread.

I also know some of you have posted corrections in other threads, if you don't see your earlier finds in the current list, we should make note of that here as well. 

BTW, to see what printing your copy is, check the front pages and the last number in the list is yours. If the below list continued with 4 3 2, that would be the second printing. They delete one number for each printing.

Although I haven't run into any problems with the loaves I've baked from Bread, I really appreciate your work here.

And thanks to Jeffrey Hamelman...I refer to his book as a great textbook on bread.

Look forward to following your group efforts.



I love the book; it's my go-to source. I also have Reinhart of course, and I wonder if anyone has seen an errata sheet for BBA?



Someone on MellowBakers in Germany has an eight edition so they're just about out of numbers... 


What happens when the ninth is out and there is another revision to run ?

One can tell how popular this books is by the amount of runs!


Of course silly me

Perhaps this was already discussed at an earlier time before I joined TFL, but I found an additional issue with the Vermont Sourdough with Increased Whole Grain.

As I was getting the build prepared, I noticed that the amount of liquid levain build in the Home column was far too small.  I checked the US and Metric columns and indeed the Home column is incorrect.

Rather than 7.9 oz of total liquid levain build, you will need 15.67 oz (444.46 g)

Break down:

Flour      6.39 oz  (181.41 g)

Water     7.99 oz  (226.76 g)

Culture   1.27 oz  (36.28 g)


So in the final dough, you will use 14.39 oz (408.17 g).


It would probably be a good idea to check my calculations, b/c even though I checked it a couple times, who knows...haha...I could have flaked out.

I hope this is helpful.

The "correction" for the Vermont Sourdough with Increased Whole Grain does seem wrong. It is not consistent with the comment in the accompanying sidebar. The ingredient amounts for the Liquid Levain printed for the Home version in my (10th) printing appear correct, and they are exactly 2x the amounts in the errata sheet.

I agree with 00Eve00. It would be nice to get Jeff's response.
