What, pray tell, is a miche?

Profile picture for user Frequent Flyer

I see them all over the board but I can't tell if the word is referring to a shape, a size or a general recipe.

They can also be small but the best ones weigh more than 2kg and 4 kg.  Usually have a final proof in a banneton or Brotform to help it maintain its shape in the oven during oven spring.  It is more a shape than a specific recipe.


I'm trying to picture a 9 lb loaf.  Egad!


an easily findable example of a Miche is the bread on the cover of Bread Bakers Apprentice. if the assumed in-book picture-to-recipe correlation is accurate, the cover picture loaf is called "Poilane-Style Miche" and involves: 9 cups of flour, plus 1c of Barm. 4 hours bulk rise, 2-3 hours second rise. and over an hour of baking time, at over 400f. crazy huge...