Mixing Spelt and Quiona Flour - Bread



I am about to bake my first loaf bread in the oven. I will do sourdough soon but for now I wanted to just bake something up quickly.

I am looking at spelt flour bread recipes on the internet. I have a big bag of wholemeal spelt flour.

I am just weighing up whether to use half whole half white for lighter bread, or whether mixing quinoa and whole spelt would work??? If so how much (50/50??)



*Bump Post*


I am a little surprised no one has responded to this topic. I would have thought this was of particular interest to the use of whole grain bread-making. 

There was even a blog about Quinoa bread on this website with photos as well, but unfortunately no recipe was supplied. 



Hi - 

If you're referring to Bushturkey's [url=http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/6722/spelt-amp-quinoa-bread][u]blog[/u][/url] about spelt and quinoa bread, it does list the recipe, but in baker's percentages:  

The finished dough had 108% pre-ferment starter, 30% wholemeal Spelt flour, 70% white bread flour and 75% hydration.

If you're not familiar with baker's percentage, here's an easy to understand [url=http://www.wildyeastblog.com/2008/03/22/bakers-percentage-1/][u]tutorial[/u][/url]

Hope this helps...