Has anyone tried the semolina bread from Whole foods? It is boule shaped and has sesame seeds on it, but sometimes they have it sans sesame seeds too. The one thing that I am curious about is how they get it so sweet tasting. What boggles my mind is that I make Rinehart's Pane Siciliano from BBA all the time, and I love it, but it has in no way the flavor that the Whole foods semolina bread has. What can contribute to the huge difference in taste?
Ingredients label?
You can start there.
The ingredients on my label read:
Unbleached Wheat Flour, Durum Wheat Flour, Bread Base, Salt, Sucanat
I asked the person at the bread counter to look at the nutritional info sheet and I calculated that each loaf has 14 grams of sugar per loaf. The person told me that the ingredients on the labels that they put on the bag are not always accurate and he agreed that 14 grams of sugar per loaf was probably not right.
I am interested to see if anyone here has tasted this bread and what they think.
Thank you Lorenzo for your semolina formula! I will try it this weekend.
I have one question. It looks like the Yeast line got skewed. What is the Yeast amount in the Ferment/Biga?
Thanks again,