Bread & soup fun dinner


We got hit by a huge snow storm yesterday.  I thought a bread & soup dinner would be perfect for the weather.  Made a little crab bread just enough for 3 of us.


The two boys don't like soup with visible vegetables so I pureed everything then added the chicken strips. They loved it.


I like the crabby bread.  I think you are quite innovative -- purreeing the vegetables so the children don't realize they are eating vegetables.

Gread grandfather Ford

I love the crab!  How old are your boys?  They must have giggled their way through dinner!  Great idea.


Thanks Marni!  My son is 8 years old and the second "boy" is his dad!  Dad is actually the more fussy one when it comes to vegetables.  Little man liked the mozzarella surprise when he ate the crab bread and it was his idea to take a picture of dinner so not to forget the crab bread!  :-)


The crabby bread was stuffed with mozzarella cheese so it was a bit of a surprise when they bit into it.  :-)  My husband and son won't eat vegetables if they can see them.  What's a mom to do?  I have to sneak veggies into their diet like chopping them finely in a meatloaf so my fussy eaters can't pick the veggies out.  LOL


Where are you located, to be hit by a snow storm at this time of year?

Greetings from Ireland

Hiya wdloies!  I am in Alberta, Canada.  We usually get one big snow storm in late March/early April.  The blizzard came a bit late this year yet it's not over.  There's more snow in the forecast for next week. 



In reply to by althetrainer

That's great.  Don't you think it might make sense to bake a snow man? ;-).  Well, I hope spring will come your way soon.

All the best from the east coast of Ireland.



In reply to by wdlolies

What a great idea!  Little man has a friend over for a play date today.  I am rising a dough for them to play with later.  Maybe I will suggest them baking a snow man.  LOL


When I first read the start of your post on my front page..'crab bread' I thought you made bread stuffed with crab....yummm crab bread stuffed with cheese...what a cute surprise to see what you created for your family!


Thanks Floyd!  I always keep an eye on what Mrs. Floyd is making.  She inspires me.

Sylvia, I thought about stuffing the bread with crab meat too but I didn't have any.  My little man never says "no" to cheese and he always loves a surprise. :-)


ha! So you like to play with your food too? :)

This is so much like the Frog bread that we made years ago (oh dear! just looking at the link I'm seeing our boy was a little tot at the time! :)

Mmmm though - the idea of stuffing it with crab meat sounds divine! What a fun dinner party idea that would be too!

but hey, you started it! LOL  Seriously, you're the one who inspired me to try doing bread sculptures.   I did try to copy your frog bread but it didn't turn out as good looking as yours.  Don't know how you slashed that happy smile.  Mine looked like a moping frog! :-)

No kidding!  Little man is 8 years old and will be going to grade 4 this fall.  How time flies!


I am the mom.  His dad is great too! :-)  Don't feel bad, most people think I am a guy because of my handle. 


That you did this. You're a really creative, amazing person. Your family is very fortunate.

Thanks AW and ruth.  My 8-year-old boy made this while having a play date with a friend.  She made a kangaroo and took it home.  I suggested a snow man but little man said "But a snow man is not scary!"  Go figure!  LOL

He had fun creating his own monster.  I did have to help him with the limbs and eyes.  The spikes on its tail were also my idea.  He made the rest of it.


It could totally turn into a giant flop mess and with children you could just call it a scobgoppolis (or anything with an 'is on the end) and that would make it alright, possibly better. Thanks for inspiring us.



So cute! I will have to try this with my boys! Duh- give them some dough to play with while I'm baking. What a great way to incorporate them in what we are doing. Way to go, and thanks for the idea(s)! 

Have you heard of that cookbook "Deceptively Delicious"? (by Jessica Seinfeld) It's all about making vegetable purees and sneaking them into whatever you cook or bake. Might be right up your alley (if you haven't heard of it already).

Thanks inlovewbread!  Absolutely, that's the best way to get kids involved in what we love to do.  They have already tried playdough only now they can eat what they make!  In fact, little man was very proud because his monster was part of dinner tonight.

Regarding "Deceptively Delicious", I don't have the book but I have been using some of her ideas to get my two boys - husband and son - to eat more veggies.  However, some of her ideas were just a bit too much for me. :-) 
