Floyd-search question

Last night I was trying to find the NK SD bread that jmonkey posted and for the life if me  I couldn't locate it. That got me thinking that if you made a suggestion and framework for all posting a recipe to include key words it would be a big improvement in the results. Maybe you could include a key word box at the bottom of the body box I am typing now.

As the site gets larger this could become a great recipe and help source on the Internet. Volume equates to ad revenue in a good way. Just my humble opinion.


Sorry, Eric, et al., for not linking you. I must learn how to do that. It is on the No Knead Bread thread. Perhaps someone can bail me out here.


People are doing a better job of tagging content, but you are certainly right that I could do a better job of encouraging folks to do so. There is a module I've been meaning to add to let community members tag other people's content. That may be a good way to help this since not every author will remember to tag their own content (or will tag it the same way that a reader may want to tag it).

You may already have it implemented but do you have a How To for using the site? A tutorial of sorts for posting and using the text features?


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In reply to by ehanner

Not really because my assumption is that people don't read documentation about how to use websites. I know I don't. The site just needs to "make sense" based on people's experiences elsewhere.

Floyd, I have never done any website work (don't even know how to phrase that). I went to the formatting options page but could not make heads or tails out of it. Perhaps I need Formatting for Dummies. I suspect it's like everything else: if you know how to do it, it's easy. I know you are very busy; perhaps someone else could direct me to a tutorial?


I'm not even sure what the formatting options page is. Wait... ah, ok, found it. I don't mean to suggest that everything about posting here is intuitive or if you can't figure out how to post pictures here you are a dummy. But I still think that, if it is difficult, the solution is for me to try to make it easier rather than walk through all the complicated steps. I, personally, go nuts when I look something up in a Microsoft help file and it says something like "Right Click on the icon, then select Properties. Click on the Advanced button then right-click and select Details." How the h*ll was I susposed to figure that out without reading the help file!?! It shouldn't require a manual to do something as simple as post a comment. This is reason why I've installed the WYSIWYG editor on the site (even though I don't use it), why I've enabled the BBTags, and so on. For the most part, if you format the text in the editor it should come out looking something like what you wanted even if you don't know a line of HTML. You shouldn't have to. If you paste in a link to an external image the way you do on another bulletin board, it should work the same (knock on wood). At least that is what I'm striving for.