[url=http://intransit.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/best-baguette-prize-awarded-in-paris/][u]Djibril Bodian[/u][/url] of Le Grenier à Pain Abbesses
With thanks to [url=http://www.farine-mc.com/][u]Farine[/u][/url], who is always up on the latest in the world of bread.
Edit: One of the judges posted a blog on the competition. Gosselin took fifth. Here's the link to her [url=http://parisnotebook.wordpress.com/2010/03/22/the-best-baguette-in-paris-2010/][u]comments[/u][/url]
Thanks for that, Lindy!
I just read about this in the Independent as well. I stayed in this neighborhood last time I visited Paris, so I'm wondering if I've tasted Bodian's traditional baguette already... It's all hazy, and there were so many great ones...
I hadn't seen that interview with Kaplan before...Hilarious!
I'll have to check out the video when I get home tonight - but can you imagine tasting 150 baguettes in four hours? Burp.
I think the judges deserve an award.