My first Pain d'Epi


and some Bagguetes.

I love how the sunlight illuminates the crust of the baguette from the inside :-)

Its funny, I just snapped this with my cell phone camera. I have a problem photographing my bread, especially baguettes. In the time it takes me to go get the camera and get back to the kitchen all that's left are smiles and crumbs.

I too was trying out the pain d'epi, mine was much fatter ( I think my dough was a bit wet) but it turned out well, and it sure as heck disappeared at dinner.

Very good picture of the bread, and the light certainly showed up the crust! How did you get the pain longer, mine was only long enough to do 6 cuts, and it simply wouldn't stretch anymore!


I bet that's some nice crusty bread. Very pretty!


I bet that's some nice crusty bread. Very pretty!

I use the recipe for Anis Boabsa baguettes posted by dmsnyder (here)

I usually form  Baguettes to about 20 to 24 inches long, the epi was the same as the baguette, I guess the cuts allowed it to expand in length.

I would measure them for you but they didn't make it through the night. just some smudges of Pesto on the counter where they used to be.


I actually use 1 and a half stones. That is, I had a 16 inch stone, It broke, I kept it and bought another one, By using both and going diagonally I can fit them in.