I had an idea while looking at breadbakingbassplayer's recent spelt posting and formula.
I have an enormous collection of bookmarked formulas entirely from TFL members that I eventually want to bake.
Would anyone be up for a challenge of selected TFL member formulas instead of Hamelman, BBA or Leader.
Just think, you could have an author's immediate feedback and I'm sure the individual authors' would be excited about perfecting their own formulas by having a group of TFL people bake them.
Yeah, we already kind of loosely do that, but it might be fun to make it organized.
P.S. Your idea would not preclude those who want to take "The Hamelman Challenge" from pursuing it.
If community members want to do this and there is anything I can do to facilitate it, please let me know.
The only problem I see with doing this is that this challenge will never end since us TFL'ers are constantly posting recipes...
That's one of its attractions. I don't see it as a problem.
What to do now....I won't (don't think I can) do both. I do not want to start my own blog, and I like the idea of posting to one place results.....Oy vey
Not sure how we would decide on the formulas to use, but a couple of ideas:
1. Have anyone who wants to join in contribute 2-3 recipes of their own for consideration.
2. Have those that join in comb through the archives (or their bookmarks) and put forward 2-3 formulas they have always wanted to bake.
Then have each group member rank their top 5 and build a list of 20-30 formulas from the results.
I also had in mind that they would primarily be those that TFL members have developed on themselves or significantly altered from a commercial formula.
Is their much interest in doing this or is it too much with all the other challenges going on?
I would be willing to help set this up with Floyd's assistance if enough people want to give it a go.