I have tried what seems like a bazillion different bread recipes that people say are terrific, and I think they are fair to poor at best. Am I expecting to much out of home made bread. I'm mainly trying breads with seeds added, sesame, flax, sunflower, etc. Shouldn't it taste somewhat as good as supermarket bread, if not better?
Help! I'm reading to throw in the breadmachine.
I threw in my bread machine years ago. I never got anything near an artisan loaf. I would get a hot,fresh bread but nowhere near the flavor profile of current artisan breads.And anything whole wheat was usually a brick.
Try making bread by hand.It's not that hard-just time consuming and your hands get messy .But it all washes off and the time is enjoyable if you are doing this for the pleasure of it.
When you are trying to become a great athlete it is first necessary to learn to run.
I would start with the 1st loaf
Use this simple recipe to get the basics down. And while this is a simple bread, it is a delicious one. After you have baked a few loaves then try moving on to the other lessons.
I have a saying that I use when teaching someone how to cook.
"Its not rocket science, its lunch"
Don't throw in the towel! You just need to find recipes that make you smile!
Have you tried any of the recipes on www.breadtopia.com? they are no knead & easy but they taste great. I slash my sourdough & it opens up beautifully much better than the store. I have gotten so mant great recipes from this site Norm's roll, Flyod's honey wheat sandwich, Susan's sourdough are just a few to look at. There is also a No Knead English muffin bread on taste of home that bakes up beautifully and tastes great. It's easy to get discouraged. It just takes practice. My kids love soft sanwhich bread. I'm still looking for a great eat recipe for that. The problem is what other posters described home bakers don't put the chemicals in the bread to gett hem to stay soft- but I still plug away.
I have a bread machine but have only used it once 7 years ago- I need to find some recipes for it! So much bread so little time = ]
take care-Margie
Don't give up. Keep exploring different recipes, find one or two that suit you. Now instead of throwing out your bread machine use it to knead your dough only. Remove your dough, shape proof and bake your loaves in a normal oven. Or you can place your dough in a standard bread pan if your looking for a sandwich shaped loaf.
The bread world is your oyster once you explore some different recipies and are prepared to use your bread machine for kneading only. Also check out you tube for bread shaping.
Thanks everyone for your help.
Looking forward to trying some of your suggestions/recipes.
Maybe I just started to ambitiously and need to take baby steps.
Again, thanks and Happy Easter
i had a similar problem with bread not tasting the same in my bread machine. i have trouble kneading by hand due to a major right wrist fracture.
i use my bread machine on the the dough cycle for the initial knead & rise. i then transfer to a food grade bucket for the final rise. i bake the bread in my oven in pans or my claypot.
i have received many wonderful tips o this site & have developed what works for me. hope this helps you.
take care, claudia