Hi everyone,
I love corn muffins and I would like to make my own, but I can't seem find cornmeal in my local supermarket and even in the baking shops. The thing is, fresh corn is in abundance over here and really cheap, but I guess people in my country just don't use corn meal as part of their cuisine. I was thinking.. if I dry my own corn kernels or buy the ready packed ones, can I use the normal dry mill to ground it? or do I have to buy a grain mill? Thanks!
Yup! Field corn is available widely in my country. But I might opt for those dried corn that's sold in supermarket though.
Sorry I did not clarify myself pertaining the dry mill. What I meant had in mind is the mill that usually accompanies an electric blender.Didn't know if I needed any special mill to grind the corn. Is that mill sufficient enough?
Grind pop corn! It makes the absolutely best corn breads!
I use my Whisper Mill (electric grain mill) to grind pop corn all the time. I'm not sure a blender mill such as you've pictured would be powerful enough for dried corn. You'd be better off with a mill that is intended for grinding wheat, I think.
Maybe it can be done with a Vitamix. Not sure if other blenders will be powerful enough to do a fine job. If you don't have a Vitamix, a grain mill probably is a better choice. But again, you'll never know if you don't try. If you do try please let us know of your results.
Hi everyone! Thanks for the tips! I just went to the supermarket today and found out that all this while they actually sold popcorn and also dried corn! I've been looking for cornmeal and couldn't actually find it on the shelves, it didn't occur to me that I should mill my own. HAHAHA. Bummer.
Anyway! I will try to grind the packet of popcorn in the normal mill and see how it goes. Hopefully it'll work out ! Will let you guys know.. thanks! :)