Sub Bread


Does anyone have a good receipe for Sub Sandwich Bread. My family loves home made subs but I'm never satisfied using the traditional white bread recipe. I love it with meals, or,  a great snack with butter, but, not with subs....

Thank you!

The cold rise is important in developing flavor; you can shorten it, but you won't get the same depth of flavor. (the linked recipe is mine.)

Thank you! One more question. Where can I find Barley Malt Syrup? Or, is there a good substitute? I've been to a couple local stores and they give me a blank stare when I ask them where It would be.

I'm going to try this recipe over the weekend.

Thank you!


Try a health food store or food co-op...the sort of place that sells alternative sweeteners like agave syrup, stevia syrup, or powdered glucose will probably have barley malt syrup as well.