freezing yeast


I recently purchased a lb package of instant yeast. The contents can last for months before they are  depleted. Will freezing the yeast effect its performance when used in time? 

The effects of freezing instant yeast are, in my opinion, negligible. I have had SAF instant yeast sealed in a ziplock bag in the freezer for at least a year and it seems to work as well as the day it arrived at my doorstep.



I buy my yeast in bulk from Sam's club and it goes directly into my freezer when I get it home. I recently found a package of yeast that somehow got pushed back to the back of the freezer and overlooked for two years past it's expiration date. I opened it yesterday and made my usually sandwich bread and it was just fine. I couldn't tell that there was any difference in the yeast at all.


I think freezing yeast keeps it good for much longer.

I make sourdough, my husband is the only one who uses instant yeast at home.  He usually keeps 1/2 a bag in the fridge and the other 1/2 in the freezer.  Didn't seem to make any difference in his breads.  Al

I also buy mine in bulk and freeze them sometimes for over a year. No effect on yeast's effectiveness that I noticed.


George (Author of What Recipes Don't Tell You)


I use instant dried yeast and on our purchased container it recommends you either freeze or keep in the fridge to extend the life of the yeast.

When I use it straight from the freezer I place it in a small amount of warm water and a half Tspoon of brown sugar for 10 minutes or till it is nice and frothy.

I have not had a bad experience as yet..............Peter