Looking for a recommendation


I'm looking for a good book with lots of recipes for traditional and rustic breads.


ETA- If possible, recipes that are not just Italian and French.


by Hamelman.  I think it is the best overall bread book.  Also has a large section on Rye breads.


I, too, like "Bread" by J Hamelman but I've enjoyed reading a couple others. "Secrets of a Jewish Baker" by Greenstein is a good read authored by a baker that spent his time in dough in the competitive market of greater NYC. "The Bread Bible" by Berenbaum is also good to read.

The one thing I try remember is that so much of the learning is done in getting up to my elbows in flour and having a sink full of dishes and equipment to clean up. The experience always helps me remember to keep my mind focused on baking bread the right way, even on the days when the results aren't quite the artistic moments I prefer to see.

In reply to by Postal Grunt

I agree with you 100%, about the experiences.

I didn't read the books you all proposed, I learned only through the Internet and this site especially, and I mastered the SD starter (100% Rye) and the Rye bread for the last 6 months after one year of many experimentations....and slowly learned to buy my tools and the right flours... 

I'm now doing only the simple way of 1,2,3.and Sullivan method step by step, mixing 20gr of barley bran, 50gr of rye into 380gr of white bread flour + 2% of salt. and baking it in a covered cast iron pot (in cold oven) No artistic results... just a 3 to 4 centimetres high as we prefer crust vs crumb.If I want a high loaf for sandwiches I just double the quantities.

I work the dough with very wet hands and have no problem of stickiness. Sometime I add more flours until I can work the dough on a bench like a normal bread without adding water, but the flavour is very different.

I found that 100% rye, or pumpernickel are too strong and too heavy. I'm still trying to do a Rye baguette one day... Do you know how ? I ate one in France 2 years ago and liked it very much it was why I began to bake bread at home... 






I'll echo the recommendation for Hamelman's Bread.

While Dan Leader's book has its merits, there are many errors in the formulas that were never addressed, which can set you up for failure and frustration.  

Thanks, I think I'll get Hamelman's book. 

I bake breads, and I know how to make few traditional ones, but interested in expanding the variety of recipes. I don't know why I get to see so many Italian and French breads recipes, and hardly anything from anywhere else. 

Thanks again :)