tigressbakes her first sourdough!


tigressbakes her first sourdough!tigress bakes her first sourdough!

Finally! Techie stuff is for the birds!

This is my very first sourdough (that actually turned out!) I used the formula from KAF Whole Grain Baking book for the first two weeks - using whole wheat bread flour. It looked like it was going pretty well but when I tried to bake with it the dough would not rise. I continued to nurture the starter but switched to Peter Reinhart's method in BBA and to white bread flour. After another two weeks I tried to bake again.

The first loaf I tried in my new La Cloche baker - the bread didn't rise, it burnt and the baker bottom broke - Que Disast! The second loaf I put in the fridge overnight and baked it on a stone and used Peter's steam method and this is what I got! YUM! The flavor was delicious (I baked this three weeks ago). IMO I think that I could get more rise by using a smaller proofing brotform with this size loaf and also working on my shaping technique some more.


Well, I have been traveling for work for the last 2 1/2 weeks and I CANNOT WAIT TO GET BACK TO MY KITCHEN!!

Yes folks, I am hooked on baking! You all have been making me envious as I popped on as I was traveling. I cannot wait to see how my starter is doing in the fridge - I hope it is ok :-) And I am going to try to do Nancy Silverton's Rosemary bread, or her Pumpkin bread, or maybe the Buttermilk Cluster on this site, or the No Kneed Bread in my Dutch Oven, or....


Wow, you did great! Your bread turned out very well. It has a nice crumb and looks very yummy. Congratulations!
I really can't wait to get back home and get baking again. I wonder what my starter will look like after 3 weeks in the fridge.
I can see you're chomping at the bit to be baking again!! Hope you are home soon.