Chinese New Year & Valentine's Day baking


2/14 is Chinese New Year this year, to celebrate the year of tiger, I baked the "tiger cake" above. Inside, it's a "tiger print cake", which is really a zebra cake in disguise. The Recipe is from:

Then I made Burnt Orange Silk Meringue Buttercream from"Rose’s Heavenly Cakes", a complicated recipe but so worth it. I don't know why some people dislike her method, she's so detailed and precise, I've always gotten good results following her instructions. Not necessarily the most authentic results, but always the results she promised. Finally I drew the little tiger and tiger prints on the sides. Honestly that's the most time consuming part!


Now for the Valentine's Day, I made Apple Caramel Charlotte, also from "Rose’s Heavenly Cakes". Again, tastes and looks great, even though the instruction was 7 full pages, and it took me 3 days to complete.

The creme was silky smooth, matches perfectly with the slightly tart apple topping

Matches perfectly with the roses I got from my husband!


Beautiful baking, Txfamer.  I hope you have a big family to help you eat all those yummies!


In reply to by LindyD

We are dedicated eaters, so they are disappearing quickly!:P

I am always in awe when I see a nice cake, I am completely cake-challenged....


Absolutely wonderful, making the rose must be terribly tricky!


Happy Chinese New Year for you!


My stepson taugh me how to do Chinese characters using just the Windows platform.  All you need to do is to switch the language setting then use PingYin to select the Chinese characters you want.  It takes me a long time to identify the characters but it's kind of fun.  Xie Xie will look like this:


This is a link that may be  helpful:


I will try to use this program from the computer at home, which somehow resisted my attempts to install my regular software for pinyin.  


Those are some outstanding cakes. I hope who ever received those gave you the thanks you deserve! Mmmhmm, just wonderful looking!

They look very good.  The tiger cake is cute while the apple caramel looks so beautiful that I probably couldn't cut into it!  :-)  You sure have the talents and patience.  Way to go!


The aple caramel cake is actually not that hard to make, just require some cooling time.


you took a picture of the cake when you sliced into it. 

Beautiful cakes!


In reply to by Janknitz

Yeah, plenty pictures were taken. ;)

Thanks for the Zebra Cake link :)

Floyd made some for us yesterday!


That rose cake I think is the most beautiful cake I've seen all year!