Dutch breakfast cake

Made a supposedly Dutch kinda breakfast cake last saturday. But internet's down for the last 2 days. Groninger Koek? that's the name.. lol It's made with rye flour, and it contains no eggs or fats. Very spicy smell. Also, an excuse to meddle with my dad's new camera ;) Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Weird. So it is sweet? Is it dry w/o any fats in it to retain moisture? I'm having a hard time imagining the flavor of a sweet, spiced rye cake. I can't think of ever having had anything like it.
It was suppose to turn out dry, but i didn't find it very dry. But the rye flour gave it a funny mouthfeel...i dunno how to describe :P. It wasn't that sweet because part of the sweetness came from the fruits, and becoz i only had blackstrap molasses on hand. :) Oh, speaking about sweet spiced cakes, there's one indonesian cake (one of my favourites), Dutch in origin, called 'Kek Lapis' or means, layered cake. I think it's quite similar to the Dutch 'Spiced Layered Cake'. Very nice, but very time consuming as it has many layers of spiced and non-spiced batters, all baked one at a time.
There is a Polish cake like that called senkacz (not positive about that spelling. It is pronounced "SEN-catch"). I believe the way it is baked professionally is that a long stick is dipped in batter then stuck in an oven for a couple minutes, removed and dipped in batter again, and so on. After repeating this 30 or 40 times it is removed, allowed to cool, and then slices in rings, each one of which looks like a circle from a tree, with alternating light and dark rings. It is wonderful stuff, but *way* too time consuming to make for me to want to try it at home.
wow...on a stick...tht's the first time i heard. Sounds rather unique and sure is a good idea. But sure is time consuming too. Worse if it didn't turn out well and u'll have the whole day wasted.. hehe.. I think i'd type it in Google search to get a view of it ;)