Fresh Stone Ground Organic Flour in NYC


I live in northern Manhattan and, I am proud to say that today I baked my first pain au levain according to Peter Reinhart's Crust and Crumb recipe and it came out great.  But, I am write this to find out who sells stone ground fresh organic wheat flour in the local NYC area. 




I buy from in New York City.

They do six farmers markets a week. I buy from the Wed. Union Square one. They are very helpful when you email them.

Please tell me if you find and other sources.

Hope this helps,



I grind it myself now.  I just got a hand crank grain mill from Lehman's last week and started grinding small quantities myself.

Fairway Market at B'way and 74th street has a great selection of organic grain berries in their bulk food section upstairs.

Organic Hard Wheat Berries - $1.49/lb

Organic Soft Wheat Berries - $1.49/lb

Organic Rye Berries - $1.49/lb

Organic Spelt Berries - $1.99/lb
