Flour Question?

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Could someone explain to me what flour is needed for a recipe that calls for Plain White Flour and Strong White Flour.  I normally use KA AP Flour.  I also have other flour on hand but am not sure what is meant by Strong White Flour.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

In the same vein, KAAP is strong flour. Stronger than any store bought ap flour, and as strong as many bread flours. KAAP is actually a bread flour which they have chosen to name/ market as AP flour.

Thanks for the infput.  I have KAAP and KA Bread Flour on hand

In Britain, Australia, New Zealand, etc, "Plain Flour" distinguishes it from both "strong" (or "bread") flour and "self-raising" flour [which is very popular and readily available.] It also *implies* that it's not "Whole-meal" flour, but that it IS made from wheat.

In Japan, there is no "unbleached" flour and no "self-raising" flour for sale in the usual foodstore. However, their "regular" [or 'plain' or 'all-purpose'] flour varies quite a bit in its 'strength', from an average of 8% to about 10% protein. 

Plain Flour, by itself, can make good bread, pizza, crepes, cookies/ biscuits, pancakes/pikelets ['drop-scones'], cakes, scones/biscuits, all batters...

I really think the Americans got it right by calling it "All-Purpose Flour"!