Susan's Sourdough under glass method...

Susna's sourdough under glass method...

done with a stainless steel bowl because my loaves were too large for the pyrex. Unfortunately, my round boule's slash pattern got ruined because I hit the top of it with the lip of the bowl trying to fit it in the oven over the loaf. I did get tremendous spring, more than I've ever gotten. My crust if soft though. I didn't put my pan of water in the bottom of the stove, thinking that the water that I rinsed the bowl with would provide some steam. The stainless steel bowl is a lot easier to handle than the pyrex, but you give up the fun of peeking! Thanks Nancy..

Somehow I ended up with 2 pictures..sorry!

You are also very good at slashing your breads. Did you use the NYT no knead recipe?         weavershouse

that's very nice of you to say! This recipe is SourDoLady's Deluxe, which has become my standard. I like BBA's also, but hers is more time efficient for me.

Only in breadmaking could that possibly be a compliment! Nancy, they look beautiful! I need some slashing lessons from you. Don't know if you are using rice flour on your bannetons, but when I went back to wheat flour, my crusts got crispy again. Also, I find that baking them really dark brown makes for a crispier crust.



Susan, I am so sorry..I started out praising you for the technique and thanking..Nancy. My apologies...Thank You Susan!!!

Betty..really!! : )

And I was hoping your name was Nancy and that I didn't make a mistake.  Mea culpa!  Thanks, Betty! 


I haven't broken down and bought any bannetons yet; I've been using linen tea towels rubbed well with flour and placed in bowls. Guess I've mostly been using bread flour, haven't really thought about it. Thanks for opening that door for me. I will try ww and www and see what happens. Rice flour is great for releasing, tho. I still dust a bit on the peel so the dough will slip right off into the oven. I gave away all of today's bread, so guess I will have to bake tomorrow. What a shame! hehehehe.


They are so pretty--very artistic slashing! I am honored that you used my recipe and I'm glad that you enjoy it.

Thank you for supporting us all !! I am honored that your would even make mention of anything I have baked. If you would like a chuckle..look back in the photo section of the first decent sourdough loaf I ever made and how proud I was of it!! It was very sorry looking!!   :  )