This subject arose on another blog. As an initial blog post, I offer these photos as illustrations of my idea of a translucent crumb. I hope that the photos adequately show this characteristic.
I am not a science guy. I can't tell you how it happened. I can say that these breads, a 100% whole wheat sourdough and a basic sourdough boule, were roughly 70% hydration, mixed by machine, bulk fermented for about 4 hours at about 80 degrees and proofed overnight, formed, in the refrigerator. They were baked on preheated stones, with steam but no cover. The white flour is KA AP; the whole wheat, Bob's Red Mill.
I find that the stretch and fold breads that I've been making lately, baked covered but without steam, produce a somewhat cake-ier crust and, of course, the beautiful open structure. Guests and gift recipients are more impressed with the stretched and folded breads, but I think the former ones taste better and are more fun to eat.
Comment and criticism invited.
- louie brown's Blog
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Beautiful loaf! What recipe did you use for this whole wheat sourdough loaf? I think the crumb on this loaf is great - it's not to tight - is it chewy?
Happy baking!
Many thanks. I don't have a formula beyond the basics described. I usually pull together things from my own experience as well as what I have learned from reading. I have been a lurker here for quite a while. It is a fabulous resource. One thing I am learning is that a little more precision is to my advantage, even if it does run counter to my inclinations.
I normally wouldn't pursue a 100% whole wheat loaf, except that it is a challenge; I prefer a mixture of flours.
The translucent crumb is springy, with a slightly gelatinous feel (see Paul below.) You could say it is chewy, but in a good way. Together with a crust from steam, it is a hearty experience.
Thanks, Nico. These were baked uncovered, with steam for the first ten minutes from a preheated brick placed in a baking pan, over which boiling water was poured. I got this method originally from the first Julia Child "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and have been using it ever since. I got my brick from a construction site. I bake on unglazed ceramic tiles which I bought for a dollar each, iirc, from the surplus some guys had when they were building a pizza oven.
indicates that the starch in the flour was completely gelatinized during the bake. That's a good thing that a lot of bakers shoot for.
You have some lovely bread.
Thanks, Paul. I do my best to retain some of the science, but my brain leans heavily to whichever side is the other side.
That's about as good as it gets.