This is for Floyd,
I think we should have a "The Fresh Loaf" T-shirt... Have you thought about this before? Lemme know... I'd like to see what other Freshloafers think.
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This is for Floyd,
I think we should have a "The Fresh Loaf" T-shirt... Have you thought about this before? Lemme know... I'd like to see what other Freshloafers think.
mess up my TFL Tee with gummy dough ! :)
Really not! but your Idea sound good...I support you! we could give each other a period of time to send some logos, this, if Floyd agrees the idea! Paolo
does not seem to be copyright protected…
can't really grab random pictures off the web - once you put it on a product it's a whole new ball of wax. And anyway, I'm sure anyone posting photos wouldn't be too happy to find out it had gotten swiped to put on someone else's t-shirts, even if they don't put disclaimers about copyrights on the page - those photos still belong to whoever took them.
Beyond that though, I've got several bazillion really nice photos of Floyd's pretty breads on my hard drive which we used when we were first putting the site together, but figuring out how to make a photo arty in a way that would work on a shirt or apron goes back to that whole "how not to make it look slapped together" thing ;) I'm pretty sure a square cropped photo floating in the middle of a shirt or apron likely isn't something that would come out well... hence why something like a simpler logo or an artistic logo of a loaf of bread would probably work better.
what you say makes good sense, and yes, there are oodles of wonderful pics around already from the TFL membership.
Is there a way we can be notified when someone replies to one of our comments ?
I forget to whom I wrote and then most likely seem ignorant for not answering.
So for now, here's a simple idea:
On the front we would have in the same font as the header above:
The Fresh Loaf
News & Information for Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts
On the back near your neck, just below the neck trim:
Not sure what color T-shirt to put it on, but maybe black, or brown... I'll try to sketch something up tonight...
An apron is also a very good idea...
please see for an easy way to get this going. Open a store and you can have several designs for shirts, aprons and more.
Yes, that is where I have my shirts and such for one of the other websites we maintain.
I would buy one. Tim I tracked down a place where I can buy K.A. Flour In 50lbs bags. I am still on the fence because I would want AP & bread flour. Would you be interested in splitting it with me? I did not get a price yet but I am sure it would be a big savings from the $700 for 5lbs I have been paying. Let me know. If your interested Ill get a price.
Where did you find it? I'd be interested... I don't need bread flour though, just AP... Are you in NYC, or near? Please let me know... I go through flour like water these days...
I have a doctors scale here we could use to split it up after we check if its accurate. the place is in Maspeth Queens. I would have to find a way to get there before four PM on a weekday. I'll fig. that out. I'll call for a price tomorrow.
I vote for a Tee Shirt or Apron or coffee mug!
I would buy an apron definitely...eventually. :D
Perhaps a t-shirt, too. I could wear it to the store when I go, covered in flour, to buy more flour and maybe they wouldn't question what I'm doing! :D
hmm, no doubt the apron is more practical, but also walking with such an original t-shirt...interesting! Happy baking Paolo
perhaps we could include an X percentage in the price for the victims of Haiti...let me know! Bye again to everyone. Paolo
We could have a TFL wet tee shirt contest. Maybe floyd would give the winner a one year free subscription to the forum. OK maybe its not such a great idea. LOL Just kidding guys. The apron sound cool also. I actually need an apron.
OK guys, I've got some basic mugs, t-shirts, and aprons available here:
I'm not thrilled with the prices - cafepress base prices went way up since the last time I played with my account over there.
Anyway, let me know what you think.
don't you think would fit a loaf (picture) on the back of the t-shirt? and underneath, the url! Great way to promote making artisan bread at home...Cheers from Paolo
If folks want to contribute artwork, we're certainly open to that - but I don't have a scanner right now and don't know how to use Illustrator, and the image should be 10 inches by 10 inches minimum 200 dpi for it not to come out pixelated on the shirts. I was going to draw something but don't want it to look too cartoony or bitmappy so that's going to require a bit more time than I have right now.
I also think that given how punny most of our members are (believe me, I do the daily sweep of new user registration for spammers and I do not think a single day goes by where I am not groaning at some of the names you guys come up with! lol) I was sure that a funny pun tagline would be a hit... but figured for now simple is probably best.
Hi Dstroy...I was not considering technical aspects like: lack of a scanner, would not be possible to send at your or private email a pic with good resolution and print it with the better quality on special sheets that may be "pasted" on the t-shirt/apron? Of course cost would rise...what do you think of the idea of the victims of Haiti? Say hi to Floyd, please...Cheers from Quito
I left the prices pretty much at base - we make uh.. a buck I think, for each thing sold, but they wont even send a check unless we sell a lot so it's likely mostly a moot point. It'll go towards the site servers and fees and such if any cash comes in, though I'm figuring it's more something for fun for our members than any kind of money-making venue. Besides, they are way expensive to begin with!
Cafepress (and the other sites, which when I went and compared afterwards, all ended up mostly comparable) pretty much do the handling of it all so they're the ones determining the cost. Still seems awful high - I made frog shirts for an old frog site years ago and back then it was something like 8 bucks for the custom prints.
Not sure what you mean regarding special sheets to be pasted.. any TFL members with Illustrator skills, or a good eye for drawing AND a working scanner (mine is broken) can send me a picture which I can add to what we've got - I just don't have large sized artwork (that wouldn't have copyright issues) on hand to add to the artwork.
Floyd is working on Haiti full time right now, so I figure me doing this instead of him trying to find the time is better in terms of the cost and donation aspect. ;)
Mini - I'll see if they have nightgowns in the list of products they offer. lol
but a picture would be awsome
I plan on ordering an apron. Maybe someday get a few autographs on it : )
I seem to be baking past my bed time lately. That way I'm ready for bed before I take the loaves out of the oven! Or I'm ready to go in the morning... That and a .... but I think the mug should say... "Welcome to TFL!"
The Fresh Loaf long t-shirt could also say under the logo... "Nothing like Homemade Bread Anytime!"
Sorry Mini - no nightgowns appear in the available products categories there.
They've got messenger bags, totes, dog shirts, baby bibs, and clocks, but no nightgowns. The closest they have is overpriced personalized undergarments, but I kinda doubt too many FreshLoafers would want to have their very own TFL thong underwear. LOL
Hopefully, not too many TFLers - or anyone else - would want to have any thong underwear!
Floyd is so involved in the matter of Haiti...hope he 's fine (considering the whole situation they're living) and I understand you'll be veeeery daughter is now more skilled than I in english, helped me to understand your message you post...I start to understand how difficult is to obtain an X percentage to donate to the victims...I simply did not understand the costs involved...mine was simply an idea, everyone wanting to help people in worst situation can do it in many, many ways...Here in Ecuador for istance, many schools are receiving mostly food to be sent to haiti...Ok, hope to hear you soon, Paolo
Floyd works for Mercy Corps and has written about it here before. There's a recent post here:
with his new fundraising pages. Plus we had a Haiti-fundraiser on the front page for a while as well, where lots of TFL folks helped raise a bunch of cash.
Additionally, we have given of our own funds directly to good organizations like Partners in Health and a group called SOIL which was working there already when the quake hit and has switched focus to relief work.
I would encourage folks to just go ahead and give directly, especially unrestricted funding which is badly needed by any number of worthy organizations that are doing good things, rather than try to tack on to the price of the shirts.