My Favorite Traditional Challah from Rose Levy Beranbaum


That looks superb!  That has been on my list to bake from RLB's The Bread Bible, and I think you may have moved it up!  Thanks for the progression of photos on the blog post.  It was very educational to be able to see the texture of the dough, especially during the stretch and fold sequence.  I get a very good idea of what to expect, and to aim for, in the dough character.  Thank you!



I give my challahs two egg washes--one just after shaping and the second right before baking.  The main reason is that I don't cover the shaped loaves with plastic or anything while doing the final proof, but I also think it gives them good color. 

This is so this braided with 6?  wow..I'm really impressed.  I managed to braid 4 and cannot imagine how I can braid with 6.