hi folks, im currently strugling on finding a canadian vendor of equipments and ingredient specially here in calgary. i looked around online and downtown but no luck. i kept on buying at the super store but their instant yeast are expensive, i can't even find packaging materials. please help me fellow canadians eh!
I found a page that has a few Calgary suppliers on it. There are also a number of them In Edmonton as well. Just use the search box at the top of page of the link I'm sending and put in 'bakers supplies wholesale' and then the city.
I'm pretty sure Superstore sells fresh yeast if you ask at the bakery. Might be a little cheaper, just wont last as long.
I used to buy fresh yeast from the Superstore. It's a lot cheaper than instant yeast. I stopped buying fresh yeast because I could never find enough people to share it with. If you're running a business I wouldn't worry about not being able to use the block of yeast fast enough. Their flour is dirt cheap, $6.49 for 10K, can't beat that price. Al
I'll try their fresh yeast, but i do prefer the instant variety, because im also an occasional baker (made to order)their unbleached all purpose flour is on sale at 5 bucks plus each which is cheap but they dont sell bread flour and i wouldnt buy robinhood's because uts too expensive. thanks for the replies guys, and congratulations to our perfect weather right now
Hello, www.gallowaysfoods.com is a Canadian site with online ordering and shipping service.
I have ordered online and shopped in store (Galloways is located in BC) and they retail an amazing selection of hard to find ingredients.
Regards, breadsong
thanks bread song i'll give it a shot