Blog posts

When Jeffrey met Ken

Profile picture for user alfanso

An old friend, Field Blend #2.  But with a new twist.  I recently returned to Mr. Hamelman's all AP 125% hydration levain (from my all rye version of it) and had a hankering to combine this with Mr. Forkish's FB#2 formula.  A Hamelkish or Forkelman Frankenstein.

Durum 00 Sweet Potato SD Buns

Profile picture for user Isand66

It's that time of year again for grilled burgers which demand some tasty buns like these!

Fresh milled durum and whole wheat with some Caputo 00 style flour and sweet potato made the perfect soft and flavorful burger bun.

European Peasant Bread - Take 2

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

This is a repeat of Trevor’s European Peasant Bread (with the substitution of Kamut instead of wholewheat) while implementing Dabrownman’s suggestions: “I would do three different things with the levain build.  I would first get the starter amount up to 15 g from 10g.  Then get all the bran into the first feeding of the levain all 35g so it is in the acid the max amount of time and go to a 2 stage levain build with the first stage being 4 hours and the 2nd stage 8 hours.  Then I would use the high extraction flour from the whole grain for the 2nd stage of the levain rather th

6 Grain Plus

Profile picture for user Filomatic

I decided to try a 50% whole grain mix of several of the grains I had on hand, and ended up with:
    • Red wheat
    • White wheat
    • Rye
    • Spelt
    • Kamut
    • Emmer

Linseed bread. Richemont school. Swiss.

Profile picture for user Sitopoios

This is a bread with a good taste and aroma. The composition of the test includes three types of flour: rye wholemeal, wheat whole-grain, wheat breads flour. In addition to this are added fried flax seeds. The dough includes gum. All together gives an amazing taste and aroma.