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Aim: practical hands on baguette lab. Mixing, Shaping and baking

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King


On hold. To be competed 



1. Practice mixing a Baguette dough that is manageable, and mechanically mixed to the optimal dough development to achieve an open airy crumb.

A. Use a tried true formula that has proven to yield good results.

B. Practice using our senses to gage dough development. Touch, look., and smell. Taking care not to overly work the dough. Leaving time, and temperature to fully develop the gluten network. 

2. Gain proficiency in handling, divide, preshaping and shaping.

Seeded Buckwheat Whole Wheat Sourdough Soy Milk Avocado Oil Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

This doesn’t quite follow the guidelines of the Infinity Bread for the Community Bake, but it is my contribution.  My non wheat flour isn’t up to the 33% range that is in the write up.  I chose buckwheat flour which I toasted well to bring out the nutty flavour to the maximum.  I used the toasted buckwheat flour as all the flour in a tangzhong.  The texture of the tangzhong is different from what I’m used it, it was clumpy in lumps rather than one big mass.

Sour Cherry Rhubarb Sourdough Buns

Profile picture for user Benito

Close friends of our send us rhubarb every spring so I wanted to make something to bring them when we were visiting last weekend.  I came up with a sweet bun with a sour cherry and rhubarb filling along with a lemon icing.  They turned out quite well.

Nothing too exiciting here


So I made a loaf of bread last week. I think I really need to knead longer and/or ferment longer. My starter seems to rise just fine, but even after several hours, the bread itself doesn't rise as much as with commercial yeast. My house is 76F. I would put it outside but our screens are torn and the squirrels would chomp on it.

For today's bake, I'm trying out a multigrain loaf for a possible upcoming community bake.

134g Bread Flour (25g in starter)

133g Whole Wheat Flour (25g in starter)

13g Rye flour

60g Oat Flour

60g Cornmeal

Bread Book Pizza with Durum Scald


When my wife and I went to Italy earlier this year, we had a pizza in Bergamo that became my wife's favorite combination of toppings: red onion and bacon. I was itching to make some pizza, and my wife said I could make it any time as long as it had onion and bacon.

Brewer's Bread

Profile picture for user yozzause

Almost qualifies for Paul's CB but not quite 

This bread idea was thrust upon me when a fellow bee keeper at a bee buddy meeting  gave me some SPENT GRAIN from a mash that he had done earlier that day for a stout brew.  I had used SPENT GRAIN before in bread and it was excellent so not wanting to waste it i knocked up  2 doughs the next morning one was a ricotta cheese and olive bread that i already had planned and the other was this Brewers Spent Grain.

Danish style whole grain bread

Profile picture for user Martadella


1 cup Bob's Red Mill 7 grain cereal

1 cup coarsely ground rye berries 

½ cup whole grain coarse corn meal 

2 cups raw unsalted pumpkin seeds

½ cup golden flaxseed 

Lukewarm water to cover the seeds and grains

1 heaped tablespoon of rye starter

Mix everything together,  add more water if necessary, cover and let stand overnight in a place that's not too cold


2 cups of wholegrain rye flour 

2 cups of wholegrain wheat flour 

2 ½ cups water