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20% Sprouted Ragi 30% Sprouted Red Wheat Sourdough


The bake was kept simple since it was exam period. We’ll have something less boring next week :)



20% Sprouted Ragi 30% Sprouted Red Wheat Sourdough


Dough flour (all freshly milled):

150g      50%       Whole Red Fife wheat flour

90g        30%       Sprouted red wheat flour

Cold Rainy Roll kind of day

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

Just throwing something together... a 300g spelt, 200g wheat bread flour, half a cup of yeast water starter, apple yeast water some scalded milk, blob of butter and a decent shake of ground caraway, 10g salt.   Forgot how rubbery wheat dough can be.  Had to let it relax so often!  After bulking, stretched the dough into a two foot long narrow pizza like shape, rest, and cut triangles to roll up.  

Something different and easy.  Brushed with milk and let 'em rise under a wet  towel.   210°C hot oven with steam. 20 min. 

Easy Overnight Dark Rye


I've been wanting to get into dark rye seeded breads. I didn't have much time this weekend and found this recipe online and gave it a try.  I looked at Stanley's (Rye Baker) recipes but they involved more time than I had available.  The recipe I used called for cocoa powder instead of a dark beer which i wasn't sure about, but without experience thought it might be work.

HELP! Sticky Pan Bread Crumb

Profile picture for user foodslut

Haven't posted in a while, but need some advice, so sharing this over a number of forums for advice.

I've been finding my pan loaves are coming out tacky & sticky in the middle.  I don't encounter this problem with my free-form loaves.

Apricots and Pecans Sourdough with Oats

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I had a huge bag of apricots and decided to use them in a bread. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered. ? I remember another time using apricots and the loaves bombing. 




Makes 3 loaves 



125 g Rolled Oats

250 g Boiling Water



800 g Unbleached Flour 

200 g High extraction Spelt Flour (230 g Spelt berries)

540 g Water + 50 g

22 g Salt 

30 g Yogurt

250 g Levain

100 g Pecans (chopped)

Barley Bread (sourdough)


The intention behind this bake was to use enough barley to impart a distinct barley flavor, while having a low enough % to retain a good crumb. I made it 25% barley flour, which I milled from pearled barley from the supermarket (remainder was bread flour, except for some whole wheat in the starter). I also soaked some pearled barley overnight, and added it to the dough at 15%.