Blog posts

Sourdough Bread Mystery


In preparation for my bread bake, I followed the same recipe that I have been using. 900g White Flour, 200 g Wholemeal Flour, 750g Water, 23g Salt. I followed the recipe as I always have but during the bulk ferment, the rise in the dough was exceptional. The 10 Litre proving container was at bursting point with the dough expansion extending to every corner of the container. I proceeded as normal with pre-shape, rest, then final shape into loaf pan shape. Bench rest came next for 1.5 hours followed by the fridge retarding  for 14 hours.

Creeping up on baguette nirvana

Profile picture for user kendalm

Getting closer - timing and temps on the new oven are more sense with each bake.  For benny (coz I am sure he will ask), this is 33% Canadian khorasan T55 against 66% French T65.  I am really happy with the crumb today.  Burst is improving but still not quite the ticket ... but close ! 

Grand Marnier Spiced Cranberry and Raisin Sourdough.

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I’ve made these before based on Bourke Street Bakery’s Spiced Fruit loaf but this time, I soaked the dried fruit in Grand Marnier. Yum! 



Makes 3 loaves




Snockered Fruit

150 dried cranberries

60 golden raisins (sultanas)

60 g Thompson Raisins

50 g Grand Marnier


Main dough 

770 g strong baker’s unbleached flour

110 g freshly milled Durum flour

50 g freshly ground flax

620 g filtered water

40 g plain yogurt

Sourdough discard flatbreads

Profile picture for user Ilya Flyamer

I was working a lot this week and didn't have time to bake since the "sweet" bread on Monday. So yesterday while getting ready for a rye bake I went looking for a bread recipe using discard - since I had quite a lot of that stuff stored in the fridge. And I wanted it to be really quick, so not really leavened with sourdough or yeast - hence, I started searching for flatbreads. And this is the recipe that caught my eye:

Community Bake - NY Jewish Bakery/Deli style Rye breads


I've been wanting to learn some rye baking, and the latest community bake seems like a good way to start.  I plan to begin with one of the recommended deli style ryes, with less than 40% rye, where gluten development is still feasible, and then try one of the denser European rye loaves I've been looking at in Daniel Leaders Living Bread (Josef Hinkel's Roggenmischteig/Mehrkornbrot, or Schwarzbrot (both require a stale rye bread soaker)), that range from 60-100% rye. 

Eric’s Poppyseed NY Deli Rye Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

This is my first bake of rye at this percentage, prior to this I have only used 5-10% in my sourdough breads.  I’ve followed Eric’s original recipe but followed Dan’s procedure building the gluten before adding the levain, salt and holdout water.


The crust is soft after it cools and will slice better the next day. If you need bread that will stand a few days, this mix is good for mailing across the country. Sealed in a plastic bag after cooling, this rye will be great 4-5 days later and freezes very well.


For one loaf