yozzause's blog

visit of near neighbours

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Last year i had permission to hold a promotional class consisting of colleagues family and friends with the idea that fellow TFL member Ross (ROSS-N-ROLLER) would come along and do an article that we could submit to the local paper  prior to a November date for a class on Sour Dough.

Ross and his partner Janice  came along and we had a great evening together.

Ross's article follows 

hot weather baking

Profile picture for user yozzause

We are experiencing some pretty hot weather here in the West at the moment but i did find time to bake.

I was impressed with the 36 hr baguettes that were featured recently on TFL, i retrieved my s/d culture from the deep freeze here at work and it proved to be a little sluggish to start with, taking 3 or 4 days  to come out of its christmas holidays slumber.

I did a half size of tx farmers dough and here are the results, still not as good as the others but quite acceptable and very tasty.

bake revisited

Profile picture for user yozzause

Hi Folks

i was reminded by work colleauges that i had not baked for a little while and that they were feeling deprived of some nice bread. So with that thought ringing in my ears and the thought that i hadn't baked since i had changed my feeding regime for the sourdough culture  where it now spends more time in the cool room than out, coming out for a couple of days for a few feeds and going back in the fridge for a longer stay.

shop bought

Profile picture for user yozzause

I invited friends for dinner  tonight Friday, I promised them a roast tomato soup and  fresh bread, and followed by a (home brew) guiness  and steak pie with fesh veg from the garden. Anyway we had got to Friday morning and i couldnt see myself getting a chance to knock up a batch of bread at work so i decided to call at a relatively new sourdough bakery in South Fremantle The Wild Bakery on my way to work.

ross's sourdough given a run

Profile picture for user yozzause

Following on from the visit by Ross and Janice to Challenger Institute for an evening "Introduction to Sourdough" i had asked Ross to bring me a sample of his sour dough culture  so that i might give it a run.

The dough was a 5O% Wholemeal dough that i mixed and allowed a bulk ferment in the cool room overnight and took around 24 hours after mixing,  No stretch and folds  were administered any way it felt good to  quite good to handle although a little sticky but a bit of semolina and flour took care of those problems.

a touch of rye and wholemeal with black sesame

Profile picture for user yozzause

i decided to make a sour dough in preparation for a promotional baking class in a couple of weeks.

So in the morning i fed  the culture with some whole rye flour so as to have the right amount for a mid day mix, 400g of culture 400g of ryemeal and 800 ml of water this was part by error but also i reckoned that it would allow a quicker fermentation.

2 doughs in 2 days

Profile picture for user yozzause

So whilst i was waiting for the 50% Wholemeal feta and olive to bake i thought i could easily make another dough so i decided to try something different i would make this dough and do a bulk ferment with no stretch and folds  and see what we ended up with.


Profile picture for user yozzause

Last week it was time to bake again time to use the culture that i look after at work, to be in readiness for an evening class "Introduction to Sour Dough"

The dough itself was the simple 3:2:1 Flour : Water :Culture the only difference was to step up the water by a further 100ml the salt was 2% other additions were Butter 2%,Turmeric powder @ 0.25% i decided on the Turmeric to possibly contrast the Feta cheese @ 4%  and black olives @ 2% 

cancer council fundraiser

Profile picture for user yozzause

The other week I mentioned the fact that we were having a fund raiser for the Cancer Council under the Australia's Biggest Morning Tea whereby you host a morning tea and raise some money for the Cancer Council.

hot tip

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I responded to a post by Khalid the other day that started with reference to flour bags  and a job as an apprentice of cutting up the heavy hessian bags that the rye flour and rye meal used to come in, they were 150lb bags in those far off days.The hand mits are used by the men working the 40 - 50 tray travelling ovens also the 40 tray peel ovens for protection from the hot tins or trays but also needing to have their hands and fingers free for alternately loading the oven.

hands free to pick up things  tins or trays  to load ovens